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Related article: [January oddly enough, they do not bite them as much as one might suppose. Captain M. H. Hayes has in- vented a snaffle (Fig. 7) for use in breaking ; this is an unjointed bit with leather covered mouth and leather guards at the side buckling under the jaw. This arrangement effectually prevents hurting the colt's mouth and is most useful with the long reins. The staunchest supporter of the Royal Society for the Pre- vention of Cruelty to Animals could hardly disapprove of a plain - curb with slide mouth, low port and short cheek, and in very average hands this, in conjunction with the bridoon, is probably the best tackle for all purposes. Although we have not made any very great advance in the matter of "Bits and Bitting" over our ancestors of three centu- ries ago, we may congratulate ourselves upon being a little more merciful. We need not Purchase Decadron Online plume ourselves too much on this account though, for as much ingenuity has been exercised in making irritating bits Purchase Decadron at the present day, as ever distinguished the past. Sam's Message. A good .many years have passed since I received a telegram on a winter's morning from Sam, Joey Spinks' kennel feeder. The mes- sage merely consisted of one word — "Come" ; but from what I knew of the old man I felt assured it was as urgent as it was laconic. Tele- grams were not so common then as they are now, and Sam was only less likely to commit his thoughts to paper than to the wires. I guessed at once that Peters was dying, and that either he had asked for me or Sam knew he would like to see me before he died. Nothing less would have made Sam telegraph. I arrived at Bosby the same afternoon about 3 o'clock, and went straight to the old huntsman's house. The blinds were not drawn down, so I was in time ! How vividly the happy days I had spent there came back to me ! There was more moss on the tiles, and the trees in the garden had grown a bit, but everything else was as I had last seen it, except that old Peters himself was not there in his white coat to greet me. A sudden fear that that very moment might be his last urged me forward. Then I hesitated Order Decadron Online and stopped. Everything was so still, not a dry leaf stirred in the trees, not a hound bayed in the kennels, no sound of voices broke the silence ; the hand of Death seemed to be upon the house. As I approached, fearing that all was over, Sam met me, and took me in without a word. Something in the grip of his horny palm told me he was glad I had come, but his avoiding my eye, as if he could not trust himself to exchange even a glance, and a pathetic kind of twitch about the corners of his mouth, told me even more surely that the courage which lasts while there is hope had departed. He led me into the bedroom, where I found Mrs. Peters, Mr. Marshall (the vicar,), and Joey Spinks. Peters lay in bed, prop- I899-] SAl^S 1CESS&1I- ped up by pillows; his wasted hands looked white on the cover- let, Generic Decadron and his frame was muzh shrunken since I had seen h:m. His face was not so much chanred. but he no longer loDked weaiir:- Cheap Decadron beaten, and his eye Buy Decadron Online had iO>: its bird-like lustre. He knew — je almost immediate! v. and smi-ed as I took his hand in rr/.De — that hand once so characteristic t»f :r.e man, with its struts z nemos vitality, now cold and nerve-ess. indicating how l:>w tie v. til rr^-rje had sunk. I heard from Mrs- Peters, who took me aside f_r a few moments, that he had fa ~ed very rapidly at last. He hnnted ice hounds as long: as he coz.L t.L one day he came home, an d sa. d t»f his own ace 3rd, that he w:c : never hunt them a^ain : and Mr. Spink s carried the br»rn ::r tne rest of the season. Tnro-zh t:-e summer he seemed to h.s health Buy Decadron and spirits, l».it as the hunting season came n>und azan he went back ; seemed to ire: about the hounds ; wrxLd pn ic his boots of a hunting m»mi:nr- and have his horse ma de ready. an.d even go ont of the bi*^se to zet r»n him, and then sav he thiMrit he would wait till next h-innnz day. as Mr. Joseph, perns ps. wi* rather have him stay at rjimre- Mrs. Peters retimed z-j her husband's bedside; he id nic Ike her to be away from him I:t \-jzzZ- " It's about time to blew t«z, Mr. Joseph," he said presemt-y. :n a low voice ; ■• but it has reec: a good run — a check e:t and the*n — but, take it ail in ail. I think I should do pretty Each the sarnie again." He locked at hrs master with the shadow of his eld twin*:-*. and then towards the vicar. ~ I m afraid, Mr. Marsha'." he went t»n. *' I should run riot ~z3i this sa-r-e : you can't break an old dee t£ his bad habits ; bat I have bee- a hct steadier of late — at least, I think sc." vol. fin. — xo. 467. Trjere wlj a ruesrirn.. a rJ:>u:n tz~ ;»»t atc»ea m Hie :*.i nuan r voire hiie tru.i trim, trie :*:* iif a r." jd "« n: naf rteerr. iinn -iiei L.iii Buy Cheap Decadron Vtiiy :c» :»e ai^ireL :>u:e mire t^a: r>e if i:rr ~en : ain trier, irje vj~ar sT>*'ie ti n *r in >ue vtii -r a_-i:*rr .--vie. Fi»'»i-e af :r-ri^er rr. ~M ti :»r:crjer rj"'i»e:*L, * tt.«_t— ih. t. ji'-.i-T v, v:_ie i -** ia^ witn i.i*sei e^'e??.. i -ti* v u~ **\ *•■* an«t nrjjersi iol_ ** Yes. :•* s^'i. a- ti t "'^: ».ct. — i. «... - _ JiT i. J_«_ .x.2.^ - AX.n Order Decadron nx:*. - I t:>erj: Ht 5 l ri»*i -ire — He li.i net-i :»t. rrtse r.r/ i*re i. ^ . •t3- -^- ^. -it- tm^^. ^, . c^-"*^;* ' > *^- — ] kr«rw He 5 a r'o- "--_"*.* He nai ic^trtiei. t.i? *r"ei. '«li: txi»v Cji4Tei ir^*r a£*L-*n>. a^tii vetr i r : ia_^r_nr ti r_ T: i ^:i a *-ii^.- .^ t .u: - **.T. iT'r*I T"l?T>e 11 1 ~"t* Ve I-Ul ■! ^itll a lev w.r;i. He vi.» Vi.i- :«i.i r. v &.* iiii: 1 ^ • i..t 11 tra*..e tTje urrTe^in ic 1 .? 1 *«'>..•£'* 11 — irjer vere i;l*. c 't. :i»e -.i*-* o^^ * y^rd - Hw 1.1 J iin v. jeh tr.a.1 ^af r.Lmr iir **!*•** ho-^di nere aioii^ atii i*e iur*-t liv r^»e nai tnir* *rr~*>t — i.r»t ^* «_i. » .. -.e_t-e a - ^.^ .t. .t ; b^r #e